At our Auction 14 – Mystery collection of medieval Polish coins

Published by RDA on

Welcome to a new week, we promised to solve the “boxes” puzzle on Monday, however, a business like ours has certain characteristics that we either accept and love or hate 😉 One of them is unpredictability – how else to call a situation in which, on the day of the planned publication of a huge collection, we are visited by a collector known to us for several years and after a few hours of joint debate, it turns out that we will have another hit for you in September.

Coming back to the main topic, according to our silent prediction, your picks were a reflection of the richness of our market – almost twenty betting departments testify to the richness of choice among collectors. A few people even managed to hit the jackpot – our auction will feature a huge collection of almost 800 unique items from the popular and eagerly collected section, which is the Polish Middle Ages. In the coming weeks we will try to bring at least a small part of this impressive collection.

We have good news for collectors who like slightly younger coins – there will also be plenty of them, and we haven’t said the last word about the collection yet.

As a company, we would like to thank you for your trust here – accepting specialized collections is not only a large number of interesting items at the auction and the pleasure of their development, it is also satisfaction that specialists appreciate our work, and the substantive level in the natural environment for us, which are coins, banknotes or phaleristics is at a level that fully satisfies stout minds.


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