At our Auction 9 – A klippe of the Bydgoszcz trojak from 1598
Trojak coins lovers, get ready!
Today’s post is about a coin that many collectors dream of, and due to its low circulation and its rarity, few of them have the opportunity to include such items in the collection.
I am talking about a singular value, the klippe of the Bydgoszcz trojak from 1598. In addition to the copy from our auction, there is a known copy of the clip of the Bydgoszcz trojak from Iger’s collection, which currently rests at the Silesian Museum in Opole.
When it comes to trojak coins minted in the form of klippe from other mints, it is hard to find any quotation at Polish auctions.
The trojak variety comes from the transitional period between the liquidation of coats of arms (without the Cikowski coat of arms) and the introduction of the mint’s initials.
The trojak coins of this pair of stamps are known on the market from single copies, this variety has not been recorded by Iger. Its “Bydgoszczness” is basically indicated by all the elements – the bust known from the B.98.1 variety, the Snop coat of arms known from the Bydgoszcz trojak coins of this year, the characteristic Lewart with a straight tail, appearing in this year only in this mint.
At 12 visible trace of a filed ear, which is a frequent element on all klippes from Polish mints, regardless of the denomination.
It is possible that such pendants were specially ordered at the mint in order to attach them to wilkoms or guild insignia.
An amazing item for specialized collections!