At our Auction 18 – Banknotes
Not only exceptional coins, but equally fantastic banknotes await you at our 18th auction, which starts in exactly one week – on Sunday, June 16. Our auction offer includes an excellent collection of Polish banknotes from the insurrection to the present day.
However, the rich offer particularly highlights interwar banknotes, and especially outstanding designs, which have not appeared in such numbers at one auction for a long time – if they appeared at all.
Of course, the decoration here is an UNRECORDED SAMPLE of a 50 złoty banknote 1919 A. 26 with the PARAUGS stamp. The uniqueness of this design is that it is stamped on both sides with the inscription pattern in Latvian – “PARAUGS”. The presented design is not recorded in the literature. A UNIQUE ITEM FOR AN UNIQUE COLLECTION.…/banknoty-ii-rp-50-zloty…/2247423
Among the designs, this is just the beginning because we also have excellent designs of the 10 złoty 1924 from the 2nd and 3rd issue (items 156 and 157) and the excellent design of the 10 złoty 1919 (item 135).
Let’s not forget about item 145 – 5,000 złoty 1919 – A model banknote not put into circulation with an excellent note PMG 64 EPQ. An asset for the most demanding collections, we definitely recommend it!…/banknoty-ii-rp-5-000…/2247429