At our Auction 17 – Collection of Łukasz Ciura – author of the catalogue

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One of the important sections of the upcoming event is the offer of Mr. Łukasz Ciura’s collection. Although there is still a lot of time until the auction, we would like to use this opportunity to introduce you to the most interesting items in our subjective assessment.

In the Ł. Ciura’s collection offered at the auction, the Lviv mint has an exceptionally strong representation, both in terms of number, quality and rarity of the offered items. No wonder, after all, the szóstak coins from the Lviv mint from 1660-1663 are the most diverse issue of all crown mints. Among the wealth of varieties of Lviv szóstak coins, there are those well recognized even in older literature. An example of these coins are Lviv szóstak coins, which we would like to present to you in more detail today. They belong to the group of coins with errors. The first of them is a szóstak from 1661, on which the date of minting is doubled. In addition to the standard location on the reverse, the date is also located on the obverse at the end of the ring legend, in the place where &/ET SVE usually appears. E. Kopicki notes it in the index under number 1645 (R4), and the trio of A. Kriżaniwskij, S. Bielopolskij, W. Szlapinskij in Lviv Numismatic News 2006, no. 3 (LZN) records it under no. 38 (R6). Łukasz Ciura classifies the variety as 662L.12.1.1 (R3 – which corresponds to R5-R6 in Czapski). In the research conducted to create the catalogue, the author found seven pieces and identified one stamp on the obverse and four on the reverse. Therefore, we are dealing with a rare variety, difficult to obtain in good condition. The offered piece from Ł. Ciura’s collection is pleasant to look at, exceptionally deeply struck on the obverse and has a nice dark patina.

The second szóśtak was minted in 1662. Its attractiveness lies in the rearrangement of the letters of the lessee of the Lviv mint, G. B. Amoretti – instead of the typical GB-A we have BG-A. This error was noticed in older literature. E. Kopicki notes it in the index at number 1667 (R5) and in the LZN it appears at number 48 (R7). In Ł. Ciura it is no. 662L.1.5 (R4, i.e. R6-R7 in the Czapski scale).

It was recorded in only two pieces in the query, one of which is the one offered at the 17th RDA auction. In this case, we are dealing with a coin that is very rare on the numismatic market, and is well minted, with traces of a mint mirror. Both varieties discussed are illustrated with these specimens in Ł. Ciura’s catalog.

To make it easier to locate all the illustrated items in the catalog, we decided to add a title photo to the auction with the catalog in the background – how do you like this suggestion?


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