At our Auction 14 – Marcin Sawaniewicz, Catalog of the Malbork Trojak Coins of Sigismund III Vasa

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In recent days, our colleagues from the Portal Numizmatyczny i Forum TPZN have revealed one of the projects that we have prepared for you this autumn together with partners and contributors. We are very pleased to inform you that we have already received from the printing house still warm circulation of Malbork Trojak Coins catalogs by Marcin Sawaniewicz.

We will not prolong here unnecessarily – we give the floor to the author:

“The Malbork Mint worked for a relatively short period of time during the period of Royal Poland. Its activity has been recorded as a strong accent in the history of Polish numismatics. Coins were issued there during the reign of three Polish rulers: Stefan Batory, Sigismund III and John II Casimir. A contemporary numismatist wishing to possess coins minted under the stamp of Stefan Batory can only be tempted to get shillings, because other denominations are very rare, which of course translates into their price. Only the period of Sigismund III Vasa provides a larger field for collecting. In the years 1592-1601, the mint worked with greater intensity, and trojak and szóstak coins were minted on a large scale.

Malbork coins constitute a small part of the entire history of Polish triple coins, however, they are an important element of numismatics due to the quality of their minting. It was related to the invention of Hanusz Sztypel, the head of the duke’s mint in Königsberg, who constructed a minting machine. It pressed coins using two rollers rotating in opposite directions, between which a strip of coin sheet was moved. The roller press significantly increased the quality and efficiency of coin production. The Malbork trojak coins are characterized by excellent legibility, repeatability of minting, artistry of workmanship and characteristic signs of the lessee and mintmaster of the mint: a ring and a triangle.

So far, there has been no new publication devoted to trojak coins minted in the Malbork mint. The latest study dealing with this topic is Tadeusz Iger’s “Catalogue of Polish Trojak coins” published in Warsaw in 2008. It contains only the basic varieties and variants of Malbork trojak stamps.

Using the knowledge gained during many years of research on Malbork trojak coins, I have developed a catalog that describes in detail their varieties and variants of stamps as well as examples of errors in their identification. The work is illustrated with a large number of high-resolution photos, which makes it much easier for collectors to assign a coin to a given variety or variant.

This catalog is addressed primarily to people collecting Malbork trojak coins, but also to everyone who wants to broaden their knowledge of the history of Polish numismatics. “

Tomorrow, catalogs will be available directly on our store as well as on the numimarket platform (we will post a separate post with sales channels and full information). We also accept orders directly by contacting our e-mail address: To ensure wide access to the publication, the price of the catalog is only PLN 79 + shipping costs.


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