At our Auction 9 – Beautiful signet rings
We hope that the heraldic signet ring collectors are ready for our auction! Some time ago, we announced that the offer will include signets with various coats of arms. Some of them are Polish products, while the other part are European products, but they have one thing in common, they are excellently made!
Starting with the Polish ones, the offer includes:
- Heraldic signet ring with the Leliwa coat of arms, floral ornamented rail. Herb engraved in carnelian.
- Heraldic signet ring with the Jastrzębiec coat of arms engraved in heliotrope.
- Heraldic signet ring with the Bem coat of arms engraved in the carnelian.
- Heraldic signet with the Herburt coat of arms engraved in carnelian.
A beautiful signet ring made by a goldsmith from Lviv with rails decorated with a flower pattern.
The inside of the ring is stamped with a national mark for gold of fine 3 (.583) from the Lviv test hall, used from 1931 to 1939, and an illegible namesake.
- Heraldic signet ring with the Jastrzębiec coat of arms engraved in sapphire.
- Heraldic signet ring with the coat of arms of Prus, engraved in the carnelian.
- Sygnet herbowy z herbem Bielski rytym w onyksie dwuwarstwowym.
- Heraldic signet ring with the Pest coat of arms engraved in the carnelian.
There will also be many other coats of arms at the auction, but to encourage you, we invite you to check the entire catalog on the Onebid platform!
We must admit that lovers of jewelry and heraldry, each of them, due to the quality of the finish, should like it.