At our Auction 18 – 10 pfennigs

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Two 10-pfennig coins from the Łódź ghetto are among the most rare coins. Regardless of their state of preservation, they are coins sought after by collectors. The poor state of preservation of coins offered at auctions is due to the fact that the coins were minted from an aluminum-magnesium alloy, which was a flammable alloy.

In just over a week, our auction will feature the 10 pfennigs 1942 issue, the so-called 1st issue, which was produced for just 10 days from June 14 to 24, 1942. Its production was quickly discontinued, primarily due to its iconographic similarity to the Reich coin (lettering and oak leaves combined with the Star of David).

The withdrawn type was replaced by the type II. The new design was sent to Hans Biebow before production, but its first version was not accepted. Only the next design was accepted and on December 8, production and issue began.

We definitely recommend both of these 10 pfennig coins to your attention.

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