Price list

Coins grading

Coin Value / TypePrice per coin for coins designated for our auctions
(minimum value: 300 Polish złoty)
Regular price
per coin
Coins valued from 9.000 PLNFREE290 PLN with 23% VAT
Gold coins and coins valued up to 9.000 PLN190 PLN with 23% VAT290 PLN with 23% VAT
Coins valued up to 1.200 PLN90 PLN with 23% VAT290 PLN with 23% VAT
Coins valued up to 8.000 PLN with an issuance date after 196090 PLN with 23% VAT240 PLN with 23% VAT
Fee for ‘Mint Error’ and ‘Variety Plus’90 PLN with 23% VAT190 PLN with 23% VAT
Fee for Large Slab (diameter over 45 mm)140 PLN with 23% VAT120 PLN with 23% VAT
Fee for Thick Slab (thickness from 7 mm)40 PLN with 23% VAT140 PLN with 23% VAT
Fee for on-site grading40 PLN with 23% VAT40 PLN with 23% VAT
Fee for incomplete form submissionNONENONE
Fee for undervaluationIn accordance with the NGC price listIn accordance with the NGC price list


Banknotes Grading

Banknote Value / TypePrice per banknote for banknotes designated for our auctions
(minimum value: 300 Polish złoty)
Regular price
per banknote
Circulating banknotes valued from 9.000 PLNFREE339 PLN with 23% VAT
Circulating banknotes valued from 4.000 to 9.000 PLN189 PLN with 23% VAT289 PLN with 23% VAT
Circulating banknotes valued up to 4.000 PLN129 PLN with 23% VAT189 PLN with 23% VAT
Circulating banknotes valued up to 1.200 PLN with an issuance date after 195789 PLN with 23% VAT129 PLN with 23% VAT
Fee for larger holder (195 x 120mm to 205 x 220mm)139 PLN with 23% VAT139 PLN with 23% VAT
Fee for individual holder (205 x 220mm to 400 x 470mm)189 PLN with 23% VAT189 PLN with 23% VAT
Fee for on-site grading39 PLN with 23% VAT39 PLN with 23% VAT
Fee for incomplete form submissionNONENONE
Fee for undervaluationIn accordance with the PMG price listIn accordance with the PMG price list
